Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Journey to Toronto

Zomg, could an airport be freakin hotter? At Dulles in Washington DC, sitting at gate A1 charging my computer and phone while waiting for my connecting flight to Toronto and the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) World Conference. To top it off, there is no free wifi. oh well, I guess disconnecting makes me stronger ;)

Spent lunch at the Dominion Brewing Co with their local Ale and Chesapeake Bay crab cakes. Had to taste the local fare while here and compare to our own delicious Dungeness crab on the west coast. Interesting and different, much finer meat. My server, Sandi, a delightful older lady of (I am sure) once gorgeous charms was having a less than stellar day as they pub had run out of Ale by 3:30pm and someone had hooked three taps up to the same style of beer. And that beer was apparently “not very good.”

Oh, I guess I’d better go show my passport as they just called.

[on plane] Wow…ok, I remember DC being hot and humid, but this is gross. 88F out and it feels wet. Ewwww. I seem to remember why I would never want to live on this side of the continent…my body just couldn’t take the weather. Not that there’s not amazing history, architecture, food and shopping but the weather’s a deal breaker. I need rain.

So, I regularly follow several friends’ blogs that I may start referencing: Susan, Tammy and Josie are my current favorites, though for no obvious reason as they share very little in common (on their blogs anyway).

Let me summarize:

Susan: Living Free: Vegan and Wheat-Free recipes.

Tammy: A dancing mama who still grooves to her own beat.

Josie: Josie is a mom, a wife, a sister, photographer, outdoor adventurer, and a friend. To an outsider she's got it all but Josie can't sit still and she's not sure why. With a camera in hand she plans to find out. Josie visits people all over the world in all kinds of settings - capturing what she sees, hears, feels and experiences in images and video.

Ok, the steward on my flight is giving me the stink eye…better log off.

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